Ran: 5.6 miles / 9 km - 50 minutes
1. I LOVE Nike's ad campaign for their Fall/Winter 2010 Running Collection. The pictures are amazing! A perfect example of what running advertising should look like!

Pictures by http://www.freshnessmag.com.
2. I'm officially addicted to the Poptarts S'mores flavour. I've been craving these things since the Swiss Alpine Marathon. Don't know why, but just last week I had about a whole box of this yumminess... Is this some post-marathon overcompensation of the marathon-weight loss? Is this normal post-marathon behaviour? Someone, please stop me!

3. Due to the recent events with The Hip and what the treadmill did to it: I do NOT (I repeat: do NOT) like treadmills...period. No changing my mind on this one...well, maybe for a box of Poptarts...

I am trying to teach my cats how to do this...I'm still working on it...
We have Smores Pop Tarts in the vending machines at work. It's magic!
@ Jess: It's a good thing that I don't work there! Would be a fatty accident waiting to happen! :)
Hey! Great site! I came across it via the comment you left on SR page about how much you spend on groceries, being Dutch and being cheap, LOL, so I had to come check it out! I'm a Dutchy as well (born and raised), but now live in the US, and an avid runner. My sister is a runner as well (she s in NL), and is planning on running some of the same races you are...how fun!
@ The Bryans: Thanks! Would love to hear about you moving to the US! How you did it and what the problems with it could be! And how fun about your sis! Does she blog as well? Might be fun to arrange a bloggie-meet-up then. :)
waarom stoppen met de yumminess? Zolang je het er allemaal nog afloop. Smakelijk :)
@ Ronald: Thanks! ;) Spreek je nog wel als ik tonnetje rond ben en over de finish van m'n volgende marathon gerold kan worden. ;)
I love lol cats! I do not like the treadmill either. Ever.
@ Becka: Treadmills deserve to be banned. Just saying.
I really do not want to try these sweethaerts, feel a terrible addiction coming up, if not the weight, the skin will show, I'm afraid...
I don't eat pop tarts oftern but smores are my favorite!
@ Annet: Ha! OK, more for me. ;)
@ Heather: s'mores are the best! :)
@SillyGirl: tonnetje rond? zo te zien aan je laatste foto in je nieuwe shirt valt dat reuze mee! ;)
@ Ronald: Hahahaha; Dank. ;) Probeer die Poptarts eens, dan weet je snel genoeg wat ik bedoel. ;)
@SillyGirl: ik zal het proberen zolang je mij maar geen rokje aanpraat, runningkilt zou misschien nog wel kunnen ;)
@ RunningRonald: Hoor ik hier een uitdaging? ;)
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