Silly Girl Running vs. 'NO', 'You can't', and 'Girls don't do that'. Because I do. And mess up race photos while I'm at it.
Tuesday Tidbits - The 'Meh' post
About that BQ
Friday Favorites - Oh, the joy of all the new Fall/Winter running gear!

For sale here. Retails at $70.
2. Not too sure about the 'flattering' shape of these babies (part of me knows that even Leann Rimes will look like a hippo in these capris), but I kind of like them for not being the usual all black!
For sale here. Retails at $55.
1. 'Run Happy'...need I say more?

For sale here. Retails at $32. $25.95 at

For sale here. Retails at $100. $74.88 at
Three Things Thursday - the 'New York New York' edition
Wacky Wednesday - Would you rather...
1. A runner wedding dress? As demonstrated in this video. The catch, you'll have to wear 'wedding shoes' with it.
2. A camel suit, but - here's the catch - the person in the suit with you has tummy issues (the smelly kind):

3. Nothing but whipped cream.
Remember, you really want that BQ!
Stick it to 'em

Friday Favorites - quickie version
Three Things Thursday
*note to self: if I ever do need to hire a PI...I'm hiring matter what! That girl has some serious PI skills!
2. Marathon training: Funny how marathon training can drag you into that 'following the plan' zone, that leads you through everyday life. It sure does kick you off that 'A race done' cloud. Back to marathon training it is. I'm postponing the Yasso's till next week (I feel it might be too much on my body at this point - since it's been only 2 1/2 weeks since the Swiss Alpine ultramarathon. Better safe than sorry? Yep, sounds plausible.). Been considering swapping a couple of Yasso work outs for longer intervals. Just to spice things up. (Ha! Did I really just write that? ;))
What kind of interval work outs do you do during marathon training?
3. About that 50-miler: Just checked the Eco-Trail de Paris (50-miler/80K) website, and apparently this race has only 4 (maybe even less) aid stations on the whole 50+ miles, 2 of them being 22 miles apart... I need a larger pack. I really need a larger backpack. Why? I drink a lot. A lot lot. Thanks sucky chronic kidney thingie I was born with.
Any recommendations on a trail running pack that isn't too bulky, but carries 2L water minimum and the mandatory gear? I'm a huge fan of the Salomon S-lab pack, but that one seems too small for this particular race. And the Nathan packs are okay for shorter runs and hikes, but on longer runs...ouch...blisters on my back (no kidding...).
The mind is a funny thing... - the 'Post-race blues' follow-up
I've just registered for another 50-miler. Another one of those 'seems fun, let's click 'register'' kind of moments. The way my mind works... Did not receive the confirmation email, though, after I'd already paid for the entry (not even after stalking the race director and their FB-page about it...). The race? Well...
Plus, two upcoming marathons (planned) this Fall (Amsterdam and NYC, if and when everything goes according to plan...). And some Spring marathons I hope on registering for (Paris, Edinburgh (Scotland)). Swiss Alpine ultramarathon next summer? I sure hope so! The Courmayeur Champex Chamonix ultra? Dare I hope so? Would be a dream coming true. :)
Seems to be fighting off the post-race blues pretty well. ;)
Could this really be the cure for the post-race blues? Could it? :)
Post-race blues - Been there?
Zensah Running Bra Review

Sorry...I'm not posting semi-nude pics of myself on this blog. ;) Bummer, I know. ;) Trust me, you're not missing out on anything. Ha!
Moisture wicking. Oh yeah. It does dry speedy speedy, which is a point for Zensah to me! :) After a hot and humid 6-miler, the bra was all sweaty wet, but didn't get heavy.
The running bra is seamless, which - as stated by Zensah - equals no chaffing. However...I have chaffing issues no matter what (seriously, I'm a freak of nature), so I did have some chaffing issues on said 6-miler. But...this was easily solved on a next run after applying some Asics no chafe gel.
This is where it went wrong. I do NOT have a lot going on under the hood (too much information...I know...). Zensah sent me a size S/M after I emailed them my dress and bra size, but the fit wasn't tight enough to keep the girls from bouncing. Too loose. I've read great reviews by other bloggers that all say the support is great. That's why I guess it must have been the sizing that was wrong. So...running bra wise this bra is a no-go for me. Luckily this bra comes in fun colors and dries makes a perfect running top to wear over a running bra! And that's what I've been using it for. I've been wearing it as a top for longer runs and it's comfy. And looks cute: received lots of compliments on this one! Plus, for $35.99 it isn't too expensive for a great running top.
This running bra comes in 10 fun colors! Oh yeah, bye bye boring black and nude colored running bras! :)
I wouldn't wear this top as a running bra. Maybe if it came in a smaller size, that was tight enough to keep everything in place. As a running top it works perfectly! Plus, the bra comes in fun colors!
And even more Swiss Alpine Marathon ultra photos!
Three Things Thursday
Le sigh...can't I just have a couple of 30-35 mile weeks to get some rest? It doesn't help that other NYCM runners I know of all have been training for this thing for months now, and make me feel like a lazy ass for not really feeling heading out for a 20-miler this weekend. I'm a whimp, but I think my body needs another weekend of not too long runs to recover properly (if possible yet) from the 50-miler 12 days ago. I'm a whimp...I know...
Any thoughts on this one? Might help me from going crazy...just might. No guarantees here. ;)
2. Swiss Alpine Marathon: I'm still on the 'wow' cloud because of this race. My first ultramarathon. Just thinking about it makes me smile. My co-workers must think I'm a total nut by now. Then again, they probably already did. ;) My report is up, and you can check it out (please do, but promise not to watch the finish line video....seriously...I made a total fool out of myself on that one...) here: Swiss Alpine Marathon race recap.
3. Blogger: And yet again: what's up with Blogger? My entire side-bar won't show when loading this blog. Huh? Tried to alter things on the lay-out page, but everything seems to be alright there. Their 'Help' section wasn't very helpful... Hmmm....Wordpress is starting to sound more appealing by the day...
Wordless Wednesday
Swiss Alpine Marathon 2011 - K78 race report

The course profile: that's 79.1K and a 2370 meters/7776 ft elevation gain - at least, that's what the Swiss Alpine website says...more on this later...
Davos - Mühle (start - 11K / start - 6.9 miles)
Wendy was sweet enough to stick with me for those first kms/miles. My mom and Fred were cheering us on at the 5K mark. Waved! Chatted the time away. The course took us through Davos for a first loop and then took us to the Lengmatta, heading for the Mühle and Spina.
Ran into Ricarda at the Lengmatta (love that the course takes you through this part of the Davos region!). Ricarda and I had already chatted a bit on Facebook before the race, but I loved meeting her in person! She's not only a superfast and talented runner, but has a great personality on top of that. And looks great in her racing gear! :)
Near the Mühle (11K mark) we ran into Janina. I'd never met Janina before, but she is so much fun to be around!
Monstein - Filisur (16.6K - 30.1K / 10.4 - 18.8 miles)

After the Wiesner Viadukt there was another hill to climb. Yay! :) Boy, do I love those trails! Then again, those uphills (15% incline) do slow you down...
Filisur - Bergün (30.1K - 40.3K / 18.8 - 25.2 miles)
All by myself... :( Well, not for long. Ran into Wendy again just after leaving Filisur (Ring ring - phone again! Mom: 'You're still running!'. Sweet! :))! Chatted with Wendy a bit and then continued my way...into the woods to find a place to pee-pee. I've mastered the skills of 'superfast behind a log peeing' in the last couple of months (yep, I will send the Guinness Book of World Records an email about this), so I was in and out within minutes. Left my log and immediately ran into Janina again. All by myself? Nope, not so much. :)
The race directors had changed this year's course, so instead of staying on the road (without any uphills) we were shuffed into another forest (yay! :)) and up a hill/mountain/torture tool. Yep, nothing like a nice 15% incline uphill thingie in the middle of a race. :) Ran into a Dutch guy named Cor halfway up that climb and chatted the climb away. It wasn't too long till we saw Bergün in the distance. Woohoo! :) That 15% incline climb did slow me down, but then had slowed down all of us out there. And the trails out there were gorgeous! The views...amazing!
Up next was another downhill that got is to Bergün. I knew Fred and Bram (he also came over to help out with the dogs during race day) and my dog Lordie would be waiting for me in Bergün, so I definitely had something to look forward to! :)
Bergün - 40.3K - 4:41:19 hours - can you tell those climbs had slowed me down? ;) I still felt great, though!
Just before leaving Bergün I spotted Fred, Bram and Lordie! Yay! :) Took 10 minutes there to eat a sandwich (peanutbutter and cheese - yum!), change into a dry shirt and to change my Asics for trail running shoes. Hugged Lordie, thanked the guys, grabbed a bottle of Coca Cola from Fred and started the slog up the hill that would take me to Chants.Bergün - Keschhütte (40.3K - 52.9K / 25.2 - 33 miles)
Boy, that was the best Coca Cola ever. :)

Keschhütte - Sertig (52.9K - 65.4K / 33 - 40.9 miles)
Muddy, muddy, muddy. My shoes and legs were covered in mud. Hehehe, loved it. :) At one point I tried to get my shoe out of the mud and almost lost it. Quick reminder to relace them. ;) This part of the course was rainy, cold and on high alpine trails. Slippery, rocky, steep. Focus! Loved running / speed walking through the streams and little lakes up there. :)
The group of runners (all wearing the orange ponchos) heading up the Sertig Pass (2,739 meters / 8,986 ft) seemed endless. Steep and muddy climb, but loved every minute of it. Loved that you could hear the marmots whistling! :)

At the Sertig Pass I knew the steep climbing part of the race was over, but little did I know what was up next.

Finish time: 11:25:24
110/229 women (210 actually made it to the finish line)
And there I am. Writing this report and crying my eye balls out again. It's been such an amazing experience. Just getting the chance to do this, is incredible. I seriously feel blessed.
Huge thanks to the race directors for setting up such a great course and support team. The aid stations were amazing. The same goes for the people volunteering.
As for the change to this year's course (Sertig route): all the runners I chatted with about the race mentioned that their Garmins gave a distance way over 79.1K. Not just a couple of 100 meters, but several kilometers. Plus, the elevation gain must have been at least 2,600 meters / 8,530 ft. According to those Garmins and by checking a simple hiking map. Might be worth figuring this out for next year? ;)
Oh, and if this body lets me, and nothing else gets in the way, I'll see you next year Swiss Alpine Marathon K78, I'll see you next year. :)
I'm ba-ack!
Just a quick note!
Swiss Alpine Marathon K78 - Done!