Silly Girl Running vs. 'NO', 'You can't', and 'Girls don't do that'. Because I do. And mess up race photos while I'm at it.
You know you're a runner when - the 'Wedding' edition

Three Things Thursday
2. Team Hole in the Wall: Since I didn't get in through the lottery (boohoohoo...), I'm hoping on the guaranteed entry into the New York City Marathon through Team Hole in the Wall. You can find the link to my fundraising page on the right (just click on the 'Team Hole in the Wall' logo). I really really want to raise enough funds to help out at least two kids. Those Hole in the Wall camps mean the world to these seriously ill children. Funds needed for two kids: $ 6,000. Any advice on raising this amount is more than welcome!
As an extra 'what's in it for you' I decided to do something 'fun'. I plan on running the Swiss Alpine Marathon K78 (an ultramarathon - 50 miler) this July. This race is pretty special to me, and I wanted to do something to add a 'spiritual' touch to it. And that's why I plan on taking prayer flags (like the ones in Tibet) with me and leaving them at the highest point. For those that donate $35 or more on my fundraising page, I'll take a prayer flag with me, with your message written on it. Curious to know what you think!
3. Yet another marathon?: I kind of hope to do another marathon (Edinburgh Marathon) on May 22nd. Seems like a plan to me. However, this implies that I should get some runs in. Because of The yucky Toe, wearing running shoes or any closed toe shoes for that matter hurts the heck out of The Toe. Ouch. Mainly because of that blister (and yes, I considered popping it, but my PT said 'no, not yet'). So...I did a short 2 mile / 3.2K recovery run yesterday. Barefoot. And it felt good! Lesson learned: Barefoot running is actually kind of fun. Another lesson learned: don't run barefoot on a treadmill. The treadmill gets hot. Enough said.
Battle scars they are. Battle scars.

Boob chafe. Ouchie. At the moment it has reached a point where it's itching like nobody's business. And I'm flashing my armpit, I know. Get over it. :)

Yeah... Enough said. I do NOT know what's going on there. You can't tell from this photo, but the tip of the toe actually is blue/black-ish. Hmmm... I'm not sure how much longer I'll get away with wearing strappy sandals to work. Even running shoes hurt. Do you actually need your pinky toe? ;)
Any thoughts on what's going on with the toe? And what I can do about it?
Race photos 101 - How to work that silly face all the way to the finish line
Aid stations: sucked. Badly organized. Fortunately, I have - hands down - the best mom in the world. She bike sherpa'd me to the finish line. Giving me all the water/gatorade and TLC a girl could possibly ask for.
In photos (all taken right before the finish line):

Those guys in the back. Chicked them. 500 meters before the finish line. Take that. From a girl. In a skirt.

Still checking my watch to make sure the 3:59 doesn't change to 4:00. :)

There it is. The silly face. Patent pending. :)

Nice form, missy. NOT!

And, there's the silly face again. The safari hat might look silly, but it was a true life saver in that heat and with that sun.

Crossed the finish line. Stop the Garmin! And it still says 3:59. Seconds later I was crying my eyes out on the shoulder of one of the volunteers. Embarrassing, at least...
One happy camper - The 'two marathons in two weeks' post
Paris Marathon on April 10th in 4:10:31 and 27/28 degrees Celsius / up in the 80's in Fahrenheit heat.
Today's marathon in - again (damn you Spring marathons) - 27/28 degrees Celsius / up in the 80's in Fahrenheit heat in 3:59:55. Close call, but still. :)
Pr'ed by 10 minutes and 36 seconds, and managed to leave 75% of the women behind me in today's marathon. Apparently the heat was hard on all of us. I'm one happy camper. :)
Something different - Patagonia running gear
I'm pretty loyal to the brands I love. As soon as I've found something I like, I'll hang on to it for dear life. Simple as that.
Patagonia Women's (Trail) Running Gear
Let's get technical
Yep, no cotton here. All Patagonia running gear is made out of high quality technical fabric. But then again, Patagonia has been in the outdoor clothing and outdoor gear business for years. They know which fabrics work when you're out there on the trails. :)
Now...if I could just find a retailer that is willing to ship that Draft Dress to the Netherlands for me to try it out. ;)
Three Things Thursday - The 'Please let me have this' post
2. Let me have this, alright?: I really don't want to complain or be mean, but seriously...could my co-workers just stop telling me that I'm insane and a bad employee (they honestly said that) for running two marathon in two weeks, or just running at all? The 'your employer would never agree on you running two marathons in just two weeks time' and 'you had a migraine last monday: that must have been because of all the running you've been doing' comments are just making me feel more frustrated by the minute. What the bleep! A. I don't go around talking about running all day: it's the co-workers that can't seem to stop talking about it. B. That migraine is a side-effect of the prescripted meds I need to take for the kidney problems I was born with. And they know that. But still, they have to complain about it. And by the way: you all had the flue, laryngitis, hang-overs, etcetera in the last couple of monts and took sick days because of that: I didn't! C. Am I telling them to stop smoking / stop eating greasy food / start exercising? No, I'm not. So, zip it!
Okay...I'll stop complaining,'s just that I feel so...well, frustrated about it...
3. Support your fellow runners!: Katye from Long Legs on the Loose ran the Boston Marathon last Monday. And managed to get a torn calf at mile 11. Ouch! Remember my little NYC Marathon 2010 adventure? Does 'torn calf at mile 8' ring a bell? I know in how much pain she is now and how frustrated she must feel, so, please, go over to her blog and tell her that she's a total rock star and that you're sending healing vibes her way! :)
Another marathon, another outfit
Well, voting is on! Just make sure not to make it 50/50 this time. ;) I couldn't combine these two. ;)
Help! New York City Marathon question
I joined the lottery for the NYCM 2011 back in November 2010. Then decided that I wanted to run for charity and contacted Team Hole in the Wall. Registered and started fundraising. Booked early flights (cheaper) to NYC.
Fast forward to January 28th '11: received an email from NYRR saying that chances to get in through the lottery are extremely thin. They advised me to look for other ways to get in and offered a refund if I'd go for the withdrawal.
"On January 24, New York Road Runners posted additional details about entry into the ING New York City Marathon 2011. These details are to educate all applicants about the application process in general and the selection of non-guaranteed entry applicants in particular. Please click here to review the information.
You are receiving this e-mail because you submitted a non-guaranteed entry application prior to January 25. Anyone who applied for non-guaranteed entry during the period from November 8, 2010, to January 24, 2011, now may choose to withdraw from the application process and obtain a refund of the $11 processing fee.
Steps to Claim Your Refund
If you would like to withdraw your marathon application and receive a refund of your $11 processing fee, follow these steps:
Check your ING New York City Marathon Runner Profile to make sure your credit card information is correct. If you have trouble accessing your profile, contact us.
Send us an e-mail at with “Marathon Refund” as the subject, requesting the refund.
If you paid by credit card, your refund will appear on your statement. Please allow up to two weeks for the refund to be processed by NYRR, and additional time for the credit to appear on your credit card statement.
If you paid by cash or check, please bring your receipt or a copy of the canceled check to our 9 East 89th Street office for processing.
Please note:
This is a one-time benefit that is non-transferable.
Requests must be made on or before April 19, 2011.
Do not reply to this e-mail. Instead, if you have questions, e-mail
By requesting this refund, you are withdrawing your application for non-guaranteed entry to the ING New York City Marathon 2011. This action is not reversible; however, if you become eligible for guaranteed entry to the marathon, you may re-apply by the application deadline. You will then be charged the entry fees including the $11 processing fee.
Your withdrawal does not qualify as a cancellation or denial of entry for purposes of obtaining guaranteed entry to a future marathon. Check our website for more details.
ING New York City Marathon Registration"
I then emailed NYRR - several times - about having joined a charity and if that implied that I would no longer need to be in the lottery, I would withdraw my lottery entry. Only heard back after email bombing them, just saying that my application had been removed. No answer on the charity/lottery thing. Just 'removed'.
And now I've been hearing that when you're removed from the lottery and no longer in it, you won't be able to accept the guaranteed entry through the charity (invation emails are said to be send out late April). Okay, see, I'm freaking out here, and worried that I can't run NYCM '11 after all.
Team Hole in the Wall couldn't answer this question (which makes sense, since NYRR should confirm it). And I guess my emails to NYRR got lost in cyberspace.
Could anyone help me out on this one? Since I'm freaking out... Oh, I already said that...
About those high heels...
Heck yeah, I'm coming home!
Foto Friday
Three Things Thursday

The odd couple
Race photos 101 - How to mess up yet another set of race photos

You won't believe it...
Open letter to The Wall
Three Things Thursday
Tuesday makes me wonder...
It's a dog's life

Cupcake Marathon Prize Winners - European participants
1st Prize goes to: Wendy Widmer (full marathon) - Sweaty Band headband, GU sample pack, Nike running tee (short sleeve)

Mijke van den Brand (half marathon) - Asics Running socks
Elisabeth van der Schalk (half marathon) - Sweaty Band headband
Sheila van Liempdt (full marathon)- RazzyRoo headband, GU sample pack
Oh, and all the winners will be receiving a Silly Girl Running fridge magnet as a bonus. Whether you like it or not. ;)
Wendy, Mijke, Elisabeth and Sheila: Could you please send me your address info?