For those of you that aren't completely bored to death by my Swiss Alpine Marathon K42 monoloque...even more pics! Yay! :)

Before the start...doing my highly qualified stretching routine...OK, I'm totally being sarcastic here... I don't know what I'm trying to stretch there...
Walking to the start line...the people already running are the ones doing the 78K Ultramarathon!
Running through the city of Bergün after about 2K in the marathon...still so nervous!
Done...finally...and ready for some cheesefondue and beer...with my mom (she was in the 11K-race with her dog Diddy) and my dog Lordie. The little white monster is my mom's pup (4 months old).
OK, I promise, these were the last ones...really...maybe just a few more, but definitely not a lot... ;) :).
OK, I promise, these were the last ones...really...maybe just a few more, but definitely not a lot... ;) :).
Your pictures are amazing! I think it's wonderful that you have so many at so many different points of the race. If nothing else, they have convinced me that I *MUST* do it myself :D
LOL! At least I didn't bore you to bits! :) I'm still in love with this race. :)
I have to say, you're really selling the race :) I could use a summer trip to Europe next year...
@ T Thanks! ;) I could use a Januarytrip to Disneyworld for the marathon. See if we can find someone that hands out random tickets for free.
Leuk, al die foto's! Wat is dat voor leuk blond hondje op de laatste foto? Een poedelpup?
@ Sypke Yep, da's ook een poedel. Koningspoedel; pas 4 maanden oud. :)
Haha. Goed dat je mn site hebt onthouden. Ik zie dat jij nog veel fanatieker blogt dan ik. Honden en rennen dus. En achter honden aanrennen (of andersom). Goed om te weten!
Maareeh.. Respect voor de bergmarathon. Doe ik je niet na. Nooit.
Bis spater!
@ Michel Hahaha! Misschien bedenk je je nog wel over die bergmarathon. :) Is wel iets waar je de rest van je leven over kan opscheppen in de kroeg! ;)
Zie je bij de training! :)
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