they are. Battle scars.

Boob chafe. Ouchie. At the moment it has reached a point where it's itching like nobody's business. And I'm flashing my armpit, I know. Get over it. :)

Yeah... Enough said. I do NOT know what's going on there. You can't tell from this photo, but the tip of the toe actually is blue/black-ish. Hmmm... I'm not sure how much longer I'll get away with wearing strappy sandals to work. Even running shoes hurt. Do you actually need your pinky toe? ;)
Any thoughts on what's going on with the toe? And what I can do about it?
Yikes! Sorry I can't be more help but I feel your pain!
Do you put body glide where you wear your bra? Stops any chafing for me..
Yeah, I did...but I think the body glide might have been replaced by salty sweat half way in. Too freakin hot!
Oh gosh...hope that gets better! I always use body glide on my feet...that usually helps with blisters!
I am not sure I can help with boobs, but as for feet tight socks + larger shoes help for me.
My socks are kind of cheapest ones, those sold at Decathlon store at cheapest price in the Running department.
Shoes - one size larger than perfect.
With all the running and racing you've been doing I'm not surprised. Makes you look even tougher so they are good scars. I tape my feet and other "known chafing" areas when I do higher than normal mileage.
Duuuuude. I totally had some boob chafage on my last 5-miler. I think my sports bra is too big :(, and things got all out of place. I never had that problem before.
That toe is freaky.... Hope that gets better. Eek.
Ouch on the chafage. Ouch. Maybe go see a podiatrist if your toe doesn't start to improve?
Ahh, armpit/boob chafe-age...I put Neosporin on the chafe marks before I go to bed and that seems to help.
Boob chafe is the WORST. +1 on the neosporin. Aquaphor is good too.
Thanks for all of the advice! I'll be soaking every inch of my body in body glide for any future hot weather run, and will check out the Neosporin! :)
beetje veteraan heeft oorlogswonden. Staat stoer maar je heb er niet aan. Hopelijk is je pinkytoe snel hersteld
o ja, over de schaafplek, smeer je de plek waar je bandje zit wel goed in met vaseline? dat helpt echt
Of purol zalf?, maar dat had ik al eerder geschreven geloof ik?.
Het helpt echt en niet dat ik borste heb of zo, maar behalve de tepels ook de zijkanten van de armen! en of billen, en noem maar op waar het kan gaan schuren.
Maar het komt zeker goed.
Yep, was helemaal ingesmeerd met vet/compeed anti-blarenstick. Purol is een goede tip! Thanks!
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