2. Sleep pants: Let me introduce you to the Saucony Amp Pro2 recovery pants. Saucony states that the tights promote healing and reduce recovery time. They had me at 'reduced recovery time'.
I'm not sure if the intended use for these babies is to be worn during the daytime, or during the night. I figured my post marathon legs would love me if I'd wear them to bed. Paired with my Paris Marathon cotton tee. Oh yeah, I'm sexy like that. And my family keeps wondering why I'm single. ;)

See the 'webbing' in the tights: that webbing is supposed to perform miracles. I'm just hoping it will help the quads get rid of this burning sensation... Ouch. And yes, that's my dog Diddy in the background. On his own side of the bed. On the faux fur pillow I let him pick out. Again, why I'm single is beyond anyone. ;)
Frits the Cat (Yes, he's actually called 'Frits') makes a surprise appearance.
3. Lesson learned: Do not - I repeat 'Do Not!' - jump to doing your normal weights work out regime three days post marathon. Fast forward to the events of last night's gym session. I normally do 100 repeats on the leg press machine. You've probably already guessed what's coming... Programmed the machine for my 'normal' work out, tried to get going, but the plate wouldn't move. So I pushed harder. Burning quads of terror! What the bleep! I guess my cramped up quads need some extra time to recover. Needless to say that I'm staying away from that machine for the rest of this week.
Any advice on this one? I don't want to risk an injured quad...
Hmmmm....I have burning quads too, post-marathon on Sunday. I stretched and rolled and stretched and rested...still just as sore as Sunday until this morning-I took 2 aleve last night (under a doctor's supervision...ie my own supervision) and I'm like a new lady this morning! I'm sure that inflammation is good for repairing those overworked muscles, but I couldn't let it go on any longer! I'd never recommend taking 2 aleve twice a day, but try it once...you may start calling me the best doctor in the universe. And I would be OK with that.
Recovery is no bueno. I am back on the horse right now in getting back into training. 1-2 weeks after a 1/2 Ironman is all it took. you will be back out there soon enough.
You've got to rest!! Skip the weights for a couple of weeks. It's all about giving the body the chance it needs for repair. I truly believe our most vulnerable time for injury is right after a marathon. Be good!!
I'm cringing as I type. Ouch! I have a right quad problem right now too. I think it's compensating over my left calf problem. Who knows. Rest, rest, rest... and don't forget the ice!
What you can't see from the photos is that LONG line of hot dudes behind the door waiting for a chance to wine-and-dine you.
Try to enjoy this training down time. you're body needs it. You'll be back out there soon enough.
Yeah, as much as I love to push myself way too hard, the week after a marathon is for rest only. Although I don't see anything wrong with super light cycling or long walks. Those would probably help you recover even sooner!
I loooove your header photo!
I also love compression and Sacouny. I wear my CEP ones to bed quite a bit. I sometimes get too warm but I believe they help speed recovery!
I won't chime in on recovery since I am streaking and NOT a good example of recovery right now. But listen to misszippy!
i so totally wear my compression pants to bed..sexy right?
I have never tapered. And I've never really "recovered" either. Maybe that's why I keep getting minor injuries...
I like to wear compression sleeves... don't have any compression pants. I need some. :D
Interesting, keep us posted on how the recovery pants work for you!
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