Nope, not in the 'will get you high' kind of way. *Crack* in the 'will make you want to hit your head against a wall' kind of way.
I am not a fan of my left lower leg at the moment. Not at all. Last Thursday I felt a dull pain on my left shin. Just like that, out of the blue. When I was on my way to the coffee machine at the firm. Weird. Especially since I hadn't had any injury related issues in months. Plus, I felt great and not at all stiff after the Edinburgh Marathon 9 days ago. Don't get it. At all. I took rest days after the marathon. I've been careful building the mileage for the Swiss Alpine Marathon K78. What the heck!

The pain is located on my shin (anterior side) and the spot is about the size of a chocolate chip cookie (my comfort food, get over it.). There's a dull pain when I run on it. And there's a dull pain when I jump on it. Walking, walking stairs, etcetera is pain free. Even tapping - and slamming - on the shin doesn't hurt. Yeah...'weird bones', that's what my GP calls them.
My GP checked it and says it's too small a spot for shin splints, so she says 'probably stress fracture'. The dreaded words no runner wants to hear! Just had an X-ray and as could be expected with a stress fracture they couldn't see anything on the X-ray. So...Bone scan it is to get some answers on whether or not is a stress fracture. Next Tuesday. I truly hope it's not a stress fracture, but my GP told me it has all the symptoms of one. I already had a good cry over it. And another one.
With 8 1/2 weeks to go till the Swiss Alpine Marathon 50-miler, and being right on track till this very moment, this is a huge set-back. Mentally mostly. Cycling, Eliptical and Swimming it is.
As for the Swiss Alpine Marathon 50-miler. Yeah....about that. I should be kicking my long runs into gear in the next couple of weeks, and should be doing back-2-back long runs on the weekends. Instead, I'll be stuck on a bike. No way to train for a 50-miler. I already made peace with the idea of joining my mom in the half marathon distance of the Swiss Alpine Marathon Festival and speed walking that one together. There's always another ultramarathon, right? Plus, getting my mom through her first half should be fun. :)
If you'll excuse me now, I have a date with a huge bowl of chocolate froyo.
Christel??? :(
Hang in there mon amie, if it is a stress fracture so be it and deal with it like everyone else (me included thanks to a stress fracture during my first Triathlon back in 07') I just hope is something else in either case you will be just fine :)
I know this feeling all to well. It is disheartening or rather heartbreaking. It is unfair, unwarranted, unnecessary, unwanted!!! I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you that it's not!!! I don't wish a stress fracture on anyone, not even my worst enemy, because it limits the quality of your life so much, especially if you are in a boot. (Which by the way, for all that it sucks, I suggest you get one if you end up with a stress fracture because I am healing so much faster now that I have it on.) Fingers crossed and hugs from the mitten.
Oh No!! I am so sorry and I hope it is not a stress fracture! The good thing is that overall you seem to have a great attitude about it! You are right, there are always more races to be had. And I think it is great to walk with your Mom. It will be great bonding time.
Duuuuuuude. I hope it's not :(. Fingers crossed that the scan comes back clean!
Oh no, I'm so sorry! I hope its something else and you can be running in no time. If not, it sounds like you have a great support system and back-up plan. Maybe enjoy some cookies while you wait for the diagnosis?
I am crying for you! That is not fair. But hopefully it is not a stress fracture. I mean, why would it be? Makes no sense. I'll keep my fingers crossed. Take care of yourself!
Bleh. Sending lots and lots of positive energy your way, girl!
Oh, man! They suck, but you move on (I've had two). I'm glad that they ordered the bone scan - I get so sad when I see people who only get an x-ray and don't see a fracture so they think they're okay (and what are their doctors thinking?!?). Oh, man. Keep us updated.
That stinks! I hear wine helps with stress fractures....
Totally stinks, no getting around it. But you'll heal quickly--you're young and healthy. And yes, there ARE other races. Crosstrain your brains out!!
I'm so glad they're getting you to a bone scan right away. This is what I dealt with last fall before NYCM... it took 6 weeks of PT before that doctor even sent me for an MRI. Fingers crossed that it's just shin splints! That's what mine was, all signs to the contrary, and you can work through that (not that you wouldn't be able to work through the other, but... you know.)
Good luck with the doctor. I hope you get some answers. Also, I was handing out some blog love today on my blog and included you. Come check it out when you have a minute.
Keeping my fingers crossed, I am relatively recently into running and reading about such an "unfair" injury is scare. I really do hope it turns out it is NOT. And if, keep up your attitude. (And thank you for letting me discover those cute running skirts!)
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