Lesson learned: threat your feet well. Especially when you're a runner! I never did and will have to pay for that...
Why? Well, after my brilliant plan to run 2 marathons in 2 weeks (it was a fantastic plan! And I had so much fun!) my right pinky toe turned against me. It did. It's a bit better now. Plus, I was able to run. Barefoot or in Newtons (large toebox), but it didn't keep me from running.
Warning: Gross photos coming up!
That cute little pinky toe still looks gross, but if feels a heck of a lot less painful than a couple of days ago. And guess what? I might not lose the toenail. Check!
And, uhm, did you spot the conveniently placed blister on the other toe? Yeah...sexy feet. Sexy feet...
'Big toe' is a scientific term
Halfway in my left 'big' toe (that's a scientific term, I'm sure) started to hurt. When I returned home I took off my socks and figured I was dealing with a black/bruised toenail. The fluid underneath the toenail - due to the 'black' thing going on there - was causing some pressure. Applied Arnyca gel (yeah, I throw that stuff on about anything), iced the heck out of it, and rested it. Today (Tuesday) the black toenail thing is already less painful. A lot less painful. See, Arnyca works. ;)
However, when I woke up yesterday morning (Monday) it felt like The Black Big Toe had an ingrown toenail. Could this happen overnight? Tried to fix it with a pair of tweezers and scissors. Didn't work. Drowned the thing in Calendula gel to keep it clean. Phoned the GP and was called in to see her this morning. To remove part of the toenail. Something I was really looking forward to. NOT!
At the GP's - this morning - she told me she was not going to remove anything yet (oh yeah, I love the 'yet' part...ouch). Apparently the toenail is about to become an ingrown toenail, but not quite there yet. With the marathons and ultra bonanza planned and coming up (hopefully), she wanted me to go see a Podiatrist as soon as possible. She released some of the pressure by taping the toe. So, made an appointment with the Podiatrist and was told that the Podiatrist will put something (not sure what) underneath the toenail to prevent the nail from growing in. Oh, and this will be painful (not only the procedure itself, but in the weeks after that) and will most likely keep me from running for a while. Fingers crossed she's wrong! :(
I can only blame myself - lesson learned
Apparently I'm not the only runner with an (almost) ingrown toenail. The GP told me it's a common thing. Great. Plus, she told me that it could be prevented, at least in most cases, by regularly having a pedicure done. Uhm...I've never ever had a pedi. Never. Ever. The look on the GP's face when I told her that. Lesson learned: spend money on a pedicure.
Oh, wonder what my 'big' toe looks like? Even more gross photos coming up!

There's a bit of a black-ish toenail thing going on there, but nothing too bad.

1. I have extremely long toes. I know. Get over it. 2. See how the toenail is somewhat 'rounded' instead of straight. That's what's causing the 'about to get an ingrown toenail' thing. It's not ingrown yet, but if I don't let the Podiatrist do something about it, well, uhm, NOW, it could get infected. Apparently this could happen to every runner: especially when you're running in higher temps and your feet get sweaty.
I would never, ever show pictures of my feet. Because they're gross. I lost the nail on my big toe several times and now it doesn't grow back - but instead of a flat nailbed, I have this gnarly, lumpy grossness there.
And yeah, I just slap some nail polish on it and wear my open toed sandals anyway. Why not?
Also? GROSS PHOTOS. Really gross :)
I just cut little V's in my toenails to prevent ingrowing. :)
@ T: Thanks, T, I can always count on you for pointing out the 'grossness' in my photos. ;) Ha! Plus, I have no shame: I'll post about anything, unless it would be pornografic: big no on that one!
@ Rene: Oh, dat klinkt interessant: helpt dat? En zo ja, hoe werkt het?
wow... that really sounds painful! I was cringing while reading this!! Hopefully you can still run after the procedure!!
Yikes! Is it because of the pinky that they want you to see a foot doc? Or the big toe. Keep us posted, that does not sound like fun!
Because of the big toe, mainly. Just now realized how important a good pedi is for runners!
I've been wanting a pedi, but decided to wait until after my half... thanks for justifying it!!
And, groooooossssss. :D
Your toes look good to me. I'd never show anyone my toes right now. My feet believe that toenails are optional.
come on... this is nothing :)
I will show you my 8 blue nails and the big toe nail that has been punctured several times to release the pressure caused by the blood underneath :)
but seriously: a pedicure is a good plan :)
Oh your feet are way less gross than mine.
If they want to remove the toenail, I say let them. They'll numb you up real good. I've done it before, patients say the just feel a little pressure. They could then show you how to tape it to decrease the pounding on your poor nail-less to when running.
Je kan er een in het midden doen, maar ook op 1/4 en 3/4 van de breedte :)
I'm sorry, but I'm slightly traumatized now. ::shudders::
oh wow! ouch!!!! hope that things go better than expected. i've had a lifetime of issues with my toenails and i can sympathize with the pain that can come along with anything near the nail. yowza!
Hi. Read about this blog on the RR site. Turns out you're (at least I pressume) on the east side of Utrecht (I'm in Leidsche Rijn). Might run into you once then.
The nail of my right big toe is blue for over a couple of months now (after Asselround). I still thinks it will grow away over time but after this blog I will be more cautious.
Wondering: Is that some kind of special tape around your toe next to the big one (picture after "Oh, wonder what my 'big' toe looks like? Even more gross photos coming up! ")?
[F@lco | http://cometck.web-log.nl]
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