s'envole une chanson..."
Paris marathon in 2 months. Well, at least, that's the plan. Yikes! Part of that plan, due to The Calf and The Foot, is racing (uhm...running) it for fun. Anything 4-ish hours will be fine. No crazy BQ-attempts on this one.
And since I plan on running it just for fun, why not dress up as a superhero while I'm at it? That's the appropriate thing to do, right? Right? ;) And that's where your opinion comes in. Which of these superheroines would have your vote?
Wonderwoman. There has to be a way to make that top marathon ready...
Photo courtesy of www.animecosplaykelowna.com

Marvel Girl. Green running skirt, green top, plus...I'm a redhead! ;)

Robin. The green running skirt would also come in handy on this one.
photo courtesy of www.fancydress99.co.uk

Mrs Captain America. The mask looks like something that I could replace with a Bondiband.

The Flash! The mask will be way too hot, but there has to be some way to fix that!
I say Wonder Woman!! Although Marvel girl does work with the hair, or go villain and do Poison Ivy :D
@ Katie: I didn't even come up with Poison Ivy! Love the idea!
Well, WonderWoman would be the coolest if it's a hot day. But then you might have to worry about your boobs fall out of that one. Tough choices!
Marvel Girl is the most fitting because of the red hair. What about Cat Women or Spider Woman?
Why not searching for Dutch superheroes like Fiep Floddertje ;-)
Or just a little further: Mega Mindy....
Great idea. I like Robin but I think it would be hard to dress up like her. So I vote for Robin.
You could fly to the US and use your costume again for this race http://www.superherohalf.com/
I vote for marvel....but wonder woman would be the most fun...and most appropriate. ;) whatever your choice, be sure to post pictures.
When did Robin become a woman? He was always a he on the TV show. Mega Mindy is cool but I have never heard of her.
Robin, for sure, Robin
I vote Poison Ivy too! Power to the redheads!!! Plus green is our power color after all!
Robin!!! volgens mij zie jij er super uit als Badgirl... oh, nee dat moet natuurlijk Batgirl zijn :)
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