But I did manage to mess up yet another set of race photos. Oh yeah. I'm still on a streak here!
So, let's name this post the 'How to mess up race photos by showing too much flesh' post.

Almost there. Nothing too bad going on in this picture. You are aware of the fact that 'less is more' is not in my handbook, right? Hence, the color combo. Note to self: check mirror before leaving the house. What might look good on paper, doesn't necessarily look good on moi...

Actually not that bad. Especially since this was taken just a couple of hundred meters before the finish line. I don't look at all 'beaten up'. :) But...I AM showing a heck of a lot of flesh. Uhm...yeah...I did NOT know that it was this bad... I'm pretty sure I've flashed half the town on that 24 minute run...and there were children spectating. I'm such a bad influence...

At the finish line. Showing even more flesh. Cover it up, woman! And that bruised spot on my quad...yep...that's the result of the 'couldn't get my feet out of the toe clips on my bike speedy enough' thingie...
The stats for this 5K @ 10K pace tempo run (Yeah, I'm slow. I know. Get over it.):
Name Silly Girl Running (Oh yeah! They let me register under my blog name!)
City Utrecht
Distance 5 kilometers
Category VSEN
Overall 38 / 1389
Category 21 / 719
Pace 12,371 km/uur
Bruto 24:25
Netto 24:15
Shoot...my 5k personal record is slower than your "slow pace"!
And hey, if you're going to show a lot of skin, at least your legs look good and muscular while you're at it!
Ditto Christine. If I had your legs, I might seriously run in those super short bun hugger things.
I really shouldn't wear those bun hugger thingies. I might have actually traumatized those kids spectating...
With your legs I'd be flashing them too!!
Leuk je ff snel gezien en gesproken te hebben.
Zo slow ben je duidelijk niet geweest met een 38e plaats.
@ Shelly: Haha! Thanks! ;)
@ John: Ja! Inderdaad! :) Same here. :) Enne...dat ik traag ben staat vast. Was de rest blijkbaar nog trager. ;)
ok so I'm wondering where the really bad photos are? none of htese were bad...seriously i could show you bad...but I won't
I agree with Amanda, these weren't all that bad at all!
Well, you're right, this set didn't turn out as bad as other ones, but still...that skirt is way too short!
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