*And yes, I was registered for a 52K trail ultra (yesterday), but opted to head out for a long run with my doggio. Just to see how my legs would hold up and to train Lordie for a marathon. Wise choice for once - I hope. Of course, it turned out to be too hot for him to be out running, so I got Lordie home and headed out solo. :(

Aaahhhh. Trails. :)
Hello, cowie! :)

Hat not backwards. Little less geeky.
Trails. :)
Hello, cowie! :) I'm not obsessed. Nope. Perfectly normal behavior.
In photos:

Yep, I'm wearing my hat backwards. And I look like a total geek. I know. Get over it.

Golf? Ha! I don't do golf. Mainly because I suck at it... Or at any other sport that involves 'balls' for that matter. (Any dirty minds out there? Zip it!)

I know exactly what its like to be a redhead in the heat and humidity! Glad you got your run in though!
If I could run next to cows, I would do it EVERY SINGLE DAY.
I ditto T's comment. The cow pictures are fantabulous. LOVE!
@ T: Cows pretty much rock. Enough said. ;)
Love it! Glad you got out and ran, so is/are the leg(s) feeling ok?!?!?
@Morgan: Legs aren't too bad today. This whole bone scan thingie made me 'scared'. So weird, but I'm actually scared that I might break something now. How's your misbehaving leg doing? :)
Inderdaad jammer dat je er gisteren niet bij was, had wel naar je uitgekeken!.
Die koeie fotos zijn leuk en je staat er goed op.
Great photos. Love that you can say "only 20 miles". That is a long long run!!!
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