2. What? How old am I?: I had braces as a kid (11 year-old). Had them for two years. Then had a retainer placed behind my front and lower teeth to prevent the teeth from moving around again. Two years ago the retainer behind my front teeth broke. My dentist fixed it. Or at least, he said he had fixed it. Turns out, it was never fixed correctly. So, one of the teeth started moving around a bit, resulting in a gap (2-3 millimeters). Yup. I need a new retainer. The orthodontist adviced me to wear a Invisalign brace thingie for 3-6 months to fix the gap. Hmmm...and I'm kind of okay with the gap. Just don't want it to get worse. But, okay, I agreed to check this Invisalign thingie out. Guess what: you need to wear the thing for at least 22 hours a day (you need to take it off to eat) and are not allowed to drink sports drink or choke down GU when it's in. How the heck am I supposed to do my long runs? Not an option? Any thoughts?

3. Zzzzzzzzzzz: It's crazy busy at work. At this point I truly believe that everyone wants to go to court before their summer vacay. Keeps me going, and might drive me insane. Or already did. Either way, I'm tired. And that won't help The Shin in the whole healing process...
I have a permanent retainer behind my bottom teeth and my dentist has messed it up multiple times
I have wanted to do invisalign too... Anyway, I think that once in a while if you took it out while you raced you would be fine. Right?
Take the invisalign out when you train.
Keeping my fingers crossed for your shin results!
Don't worry about your shin. Even if something comes back that isn't totally normal it will heal! Also, just tell your dentist you do long runs and so something is going to have to give and see what he says. I always find that it never hurts to ask... you'd be surprised what kind of options he may come up with =) Good luck! -Jen
Can I just say that you are the first person in the world who has complained about Invisalign?
My sister had it and she hated it because of the whole you have to take it out when you eat. When I complained about this to other people who had it, they had no idea what I was talking about.
We were in Thailand and we had to carry around bottles of water so she could brush her teeth in alleys with me holding the water bottle like a faucet every single time she ate! By the end of the trip, I had the new nickname 'faucet'. Those things are so annoying!
Good luck, I hope you can work something out with your dentist.
Just take the thingy out when you run and don't tell anyone:)
Hm. I think you should be aloud to mess up the dentist's teeth for fixing your retainer incorrectly. Dental karma?
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