
So what, I'm still a rock star

Four weeks since the New York City Marathon. Four weeks since this bloody (Grade II) calf strain. One week of icing, limping around on crutches and resting the calf. Three weeks of lots and lots of cycling, swimming and physio therapy. No running. My sport injuries specialized MD made it pretty clear to me that running is off for at least 6-8 weeks after a calf strain. And the way my calf feels today, I shouldn't rush it. I lost strength in my left leg due to the calf strain, which leaves me with a limpy stride when I do try to run. I keep telling myself that I won't loose lots and lots of fitness as long as I keep cross training. I keep telling myself that I will battle this injury and come out of it a stronger and more determined runner. Fortunately I don't have any full marathon planned till mid April 2011.
Four weeks of total and utter crankiness.
I know the MD is right. I know my PT is right. I know getting back to running too soon will only make it more likely that I will get another calf strain in the near future. And cross training isn't that bad. I'm even developing some sort of puppy love for swimming. I don't even mind getting water in my ears or my nose anymore. I'm not the same girl I was this time a year ago.
But still...cranky. I want to run. Running is what I do. Running is what keeps me sane. Running is what makes me feel alive. Do I still qualify as a runner when all I do at the moment is cycle and swim? No matter how depressed I feel due to the not running, I feel the answer to that is: Heck, Yes!
So, for all the injured, cross training, runners out there, I'm quoting Pink:
So what, I'm still a rock star
I got my rock moves
And I don't need you ('you' being the injury, ofcourse...)
Did you ever have a running injury? If so, what is the longest period of time that such an injury kept you from running?


JLT said...

so I havent run either since the nycm (well a 3 m run the sunday after) and it's killing me. i like xt too but its not the same. at all. i use running to destress AND to get away from the city!

i am cleared to run and will on sunday. so excited.

def stay off it. reinjuring yourself will just suck. i was 'off' running for 5 weeks in 09 for a bum knee. i ignored the advise and did a 20m run in the middle of that 5 wks and almost couldnt run my marathon because of it!

Shellyrm ~ just a country runner said...

I can't imagine how hard it is to take time to recover. And since I have never been injured it's easy for me to say that "it's for the best", "you'll come back stronger", and a bunch of crap like that but I really don't know how hard it is to do the right thing and allow time to heal you. Stay strong and heal completely!

Julie @ HotlegsRunner said...

mine was 2 weeks. during that time I fell in love all over again with swimming. and that's when I signed up for my first aquathlon (swin-run) event. That's a prefect example of "there's always a reason for everything" =) Maybe it's a sign you should get into multi-sport too. hehe! =)

Nonetheless, hope you feel better soon. hugs!

misszippy said...

I partially tore my plantar fasciia over two years ago...didn't run for 6 months. Totally, absolutely six miserable months for me and those I love!

Emz said...


Even better than riahana/rhiana [how ever the hell you spell it]. ;)

RunningRonald said...

I think you made a typo: it should be: Running keeps me insane :) and don't worry, you always be a runner!!

mijn langste blessure was 3 weken. Zwaar gekneusde enkel na een 'dansfeestje' ... heb alleen maar gefietst en ik was niet genieten.. ik werd gewoon naar buiten gestuurd.

Unknown said...

TOTAL rock star, girl. Maybe soon you'll be Silly Girl Tri-ing.

Jess @ Blonde Ponytail said...

Hi I am new follower. Hoping that your calf heals soon!

I just started long distance running, so no severe injuries thus far minus lots-o-toenails falling off!

Silly Girl Running said...

@ MizzZippy: You're kidding, right? Partially tore the PF? That must've hurt!

@ Jess: oh, the toenails....soon you'll figure out that those are fairly overrated. ;)