(i) Two reasons why not to race a 10K the day after a 20 miler and when still recovering from Laryngitis:
1. Can you tell that I'm trying to hide behind the chubby guy in the blue shirt? :)
I'm still playing hide and seek here, and it's pretty obvious that I'm in pain (legs were beyond sore...)
(ii) 40 days left 'til the New York City Marathon! :) Do a happy dance, y'all! :)
I've been checking the New York Marathon website on a daily basis now, because I can't wait to find out if all my favorite brands will be there at the Expo. The runningskirts.com girls told me that they are still awaiting confirmation for the expo, though. I would really love to meet them in person (and stock up on some skirts while I'm at it ;)), so fingers crossed! And fingers crossed that Garmin has a great Expo deal on their watches. ;)
What do you love most about Marathon Expos?
Wow, what sort of world do you live in (EUROPE) where race photos are posted the next day after a race? Ours often take 3-4 weeks. I'm not kidding!
@ T: You're kidding, right? 3-4 weeks? That sounds insane!
Pretty funny on the 10k...live and learn, right? So glad you are getting excited for NYC--you'll love the whole thing, I'm sure!
@ MissZippy: Yep, lesson learned. I will not race again the day after a 20 miler, and I wil most def not race again when still recovering from laryngitis. ;)
question for you on teh food allergy thing... so I don't get sick every day and I'm wondering if it was a food allergy if I would get sick all the time? instead this is seriously more like once a month or so I get really sick
You know... If you are only 40 days until NYC, that I'm closer to 30 days until Greece. I'M NOT READY!!!
PS, you look great, you goofball.
Aren't those running skirt girls Canadian? You should find a blogger from Canada to hook you up!
Hey Silly Girl, I love your blog!
I'm running NYC too and I live down the street from the Running Skirts Shop! I was just in there on Sat. buying a new top. I hope you do get to meet the girls, they are so nice!
I love race EXPOs. At the SF expo I bought about five of the headbands that they sell at the skirt store, crazy and silly buys but VERY fun!
Yipee, NYC is almost here, can you believe it?
@ Amanda: Is it around the same time every month? I just got sick on random days and that's when my doctor figured it could be a food allergy. He did some tests, and it was pretty obvious what foods I should avoid.
@ Becka: Thanks, you fellow goofball. ;) And you are so ready for Athens! :) About 30 days left! Wow! :)
@ Q: I thought they are from Canada and from Calif? I will try to find out. Thanks! :)
@ Meg: Hi! Thanks for reading my blog! :) So fun you are also planning on running NYCM. How is your training going? :)
What I love the most?? Dat ik niet weg kan gaan zonder iets gekocht te hebben. Was in Zweden ook zo gaaf.. hebben hebben hebben :)) en ja, Garmin Expo's zijn altijd leuk. Ga je voor een nieuwe Forerunner?
@ Ronald: Loop nu met een Polar, omdat Garmin veel te groot is voor m'n pols. Hmmm. Doet het prima, hoor. Dus als de nieuwst Forerunner wat kleiner van formaat is, ben ik bang dat ik om ben. ;)
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