
Lesson learned

Yesterday: Ran: 20 miles / 32 km - 2:57 h - weekend easy run
Today: Ran: 6.3 miles / 10 km - 51:06 - 10k race
This is going to be a short post. And a grumpy one. I will post a full 'weekend runs' recap tomorrow.
The laryngitis is less sucky at the moment and I have high hopes that it will be gone gone gone in a couple of days.
Despite of the laryngitis I decided to head out for my long run Yesterday. Took it slow. My throat is still sore, but the rest of my body does feel a bit less 'sick' . So, the scheduled 20 miler it was. And, I really can't paint you a happy picture on this one, it sucked. The first 12.5 miles killed my legs (apparently that's what laryngitis does to your body), and then I got the brilliant idea to take the dogs with me for the next 7.5 miles. Let's just say that they had no intention at all to slow down and -to make a long story short - they literally dragged me along the trails. My legs felt beyond sore afterwards. No fun. Enough said.
As for today. There was a 10K race in the city I live in. The startline is literally 800 meters from my house (Tha Crib). That's just too much race fun to resist. So, 30 minutes before the actual start, I decided to sign up. Brilliant thinking, since my legs were still feeling beyond sore from Yesterday's 20 miler (did I mention yet that that 20 miler sucked?). And the soreness did NOT go away during that 10K. They set a WR on that race: 26:44 min on the 10K. It wasn't me. Ha! I struggled through it in 51:06 min. Actually not that bad, considering Yesterday's 20 miler and the laryngitis... But knowing I could've been a couple of minutes faster without the laryngitis and the 20 miler, does not really make me a hahahappy camper at the moment. What can I say, I just love to beat myself up. ;)

Good news: since the NYC Marathon is in only 6 (WHAT???) weeks, I guess this was an OK weekend trainingwise.
How did your weekend long runs / races go?


Emz said...

I'm so impressed you ran the 10k.

Go easy on yourself. That 20 miler --- awesome.

T said...

I'd be okay with your 10k time. I'd be very okay with it!

Anonymous said...

goodness! I can't believe you ran that after 20!!! good job though

Blue Card Consultancy said...

You' re crazy. Maybe not sensible, but respect. Skipped my long run today 12k, after my sailing break. will have to catch up tomorrow though...

Silly Girl Running said...

@ Emz: Thanks! :) My co-workers just asked me how you can race a 10K when still recovering from laryngitis. I guess they are not runners. ;)

@ T: Hahahaha! Okay; do you want it? ;)

Silly Girl Running said...

@ Heather: Thanks! :)

@ Eric: Dank je! Zou die 12 niet inhalen, joh. Gewoon verder gaan met je schema. :)

Shellyrm ~ just a country runner said...

I can't believe you race a 10k after your 20 miler. You are insane! Nice job doing it though. (It does feel a little good to push the limits sometimes, huh?!!)