I'm pretty loyal to the brands I love. As soon as I've found something I like, I'll hang on to it for dear life. Simple as that.
However...a girl can always add brands to the list, right? Yup, she can. :)
Patagonia trail running gear
So, guess what I came along spending too much time on the internet last night in my search for cute non-black trail running gear:
Patagonia Women's (Trail) Running Gear
Patagonia Women's (Trail) Running Gear
Check out that website. Seriously, do yourself a favor, and click on the link.
Why? Well...one reason to check it out is because Patagonia sells these:
Women's Draft Dress - $65 - Patagonia states 'it's one step up from running naked'. For a girl that likes to go commando in her running shorts, this might very well be heaven in a dress. (Also available in 'Storm' (grey-ish) and 'Cerise').
Women's AllWeather Dress - $55 - The Draft Dress has mesh panels, the AllWeather Dress doesn't, but it still looks perfect for hot weather runs. Also, I like the style of the dress. (Also available in Black and Red).
Of course, the running dresses aren't the only thing on the website. They have shorts, tights, vests, jackets, tees, etcetera. And although it says 'trail running' gear, you could very well use it for non-trail running - at least, in my opinion.
Let's get technical
Let's get technical
Yep, no cotton here. All Patagonia running gear is made out of high quality technical fabric. But then again, Patagonia has been in the outdoor clothing and outdoor gear business for years. They know which fabrics work when you're out there on the trails. :)
I just love the fact that Outdoor brands like The North Face, Salomon and Patagonia are using their expertise to create high quality running gear. Thumbs up! :)
Now...if I could just find a retailer that is willing to ship that Draft Dress to the Netherlands for me to try it out. ;)
How cool! Love the idea of a running dress in the heat of summer!
I love those!!
I LOVE THOSE!!! Especially the pink/teal. So cute! And a lot cheaper than runningskirts dress. (Which I ordered one but haven't tried it yet).
Holy crap those dresses are stunning. WOW.
Very cool! I'm going to check out the website! Thanks! :0)
Oh yeah, and I'm loyal to RS, too!! :0)
I love Patagonia! Super cute stuff.
mmmm.. ik heb nog zo mijn bedenkingen.. loopt dit echt lekker... ben benieuwd naar jou test :)
Misschien iets anders en heb ik wat gemist?.
Je gaat tweede paasdag in Utrecht rennen, maar je staat ingeschreven op Texel?.
Wat heb ik gemist?.
Hi Rinus! Dan heb ik iets gemist...heb 1 1/2 de organisatie van 60Texel al gemaild dat ik inschrijving annuleer. Door kuitscheur in New York heb ik m'n hele trainingsplan moeten omgooien. Trainingen in mul zand: ging met de kuit niet. Zal ze nog een keer mailen om aan te geen dat het niet kan kloppen dat ik nog op de lijst sta. Thanks dat je me het laat weten.
Oke en duidelijk over het hoe en waarom.
Wel jammer, Anders had ik je vast en zeker gezien!.
awesome! not sure why i'm so skeptical about the "dress" idea...cause i'm a huge fan of the skirt thing...and i LOVE wearing dresses to any/every where else.
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