And yes, that could imply running a 22-miler / 35K in a blizzard. No kidding, it could. And that's what happened to me...last Saturday. And nope, I did not know that the weather would turn against me 3 miles / 5K into the run. I'm not that insane. The weather reports had informed me about cloudy weather, not about 'crazy snow' weather. And 'crazy snow' it was. The 600 meter elevation gain (part of it at 10-15% incline) did not make this long run any easier on me.

No vacation without getting myself a new fugly headband. :) Actually...this one isn't even that awful to look at. :)
And guess what? A couple of miles into it, I didn't really mind the crazy weather anymore. At all. It kept my mind of my pace and I ended up smiling through most of it. :) I did get some strange looks, though. Might have been the pumpkin dot running skirt I was wearing. Might have been the frosty eye brows. Might have been my goofy smile. Might have been Aerosmith blasting through my Ipod (get it? Snowmageddon...Aerosmith...). I guess I'll never know for sure. ;)
Plus, that Salomon GoreTex running jacket I'm wearing in the photos (got it at 50% off :)), is a life saver: review coming up a.s.a.p..
Oh, and I'm ba-ack. ;) And feeling homesick... how I love those Swiss Alps. :) Thank the running gods for Dutch spring weather! :)
I would have traded you in a heartbeat. I was running in the high 80s this weekend on blacktop with very little shade. A blizzard would have been a nice change. :-)
What kind of glasses are those? What kind of water pack did you end up getting. Do you like it?
@ Kevin: Those are the Adidas Adilibria Shields S: great glasses! I ended up buying the Salomon SLab pack/vest: great pack! Will put up a review on it later.
love your running locations, always so exciting!
@ Amanda: Well...this Snowmageddon thing was definitely exciting... Weeeeeeeee! :)
You're a crazy person. I almost didn't go out when it was 55* and a little cloudy :D
The fact that you run on days that require long sleeves is impressive to us California runners. I’m currently trying to find someone (slow) who’s willing to run along side me with an umbrella on rainy days.
Well done!!
You are my hero! I braved a snowmaggedon twice this year but never for a distance like that or with that kind of elevation! I hope you rested up big time after that!
I always love running in the snow, though maybe not that much snow (or for 22 miles)! Congrats on finishing. :)
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