
So, what would you do?

So, what do you do when you're sidelined with a knee injury and not allowed to run for at least a couple of days, AND you're 4 1/2 weeks out from a marathon?

1. Walk around in your running clothes even though you know that there's no way that you're actually going to head out for the scheduled 6 miler. Blah. Injuries suck.

2. Watch running clips on YouTube. Watch lots and lots of running clips on YouTube. Yeah, that's me, Miss Masochist.

Good thing about watching those clips: if I rest my knee now I will hopefully be able to at least participate in the New York Marathon. And that would mean running the same race as this guy, Haile Gebrselassie. The first guy to break 2.04 in a marathon. I would be honored to participate in the same race as this running hero. :) Does any one know whether or not he's handing out autographs? :)

Who's your running hero?


Becka said...

Ugh!!! Injuries are the worst. Take care of your knee!! Do what you SHOULD do not what you HOPE you can do. I have trained less in the last few weeks and yet have been racing pretty well (granted, only half marathons vs. full ones, but still :D ). It sucks sucks SUCKS to not be running. But like you, I am obsessed with running and everything that goes along with it. Get some cross training in if you can. No doubt in my mind you will be running in NYC in November.

Anonymous said...

sorry you are injured! rest rest rest!! better to be able to run it slow than not at all!

Silly Girl Running said...

@ Becka: Thanks! That's so sweet! :) Now I even feel less dorky for wearing my running shorts on a (so not wanted) rest day. ;) Have to force myself to keep my spirit up, though!

Silly Girl Running said...

@ Heather: You're right. I don't really like rest, though. :( How much will this affect my goal time?

Bethany + Ryan said...

hello my friend...ready for some tough lovin'??
k...here it goes...
it's not about what you "should" do, what you "want" to do etc...it's about what you MUST do and that is rest. 4.5 weeks is fine. Distnace wise you could run it tomorrow if you had to. Don't panic, don't over think this, don't freak out, just rest. marathon training is suppose to make your body stronger and more powerful, not weaker. If something goes wrong then just back off and rest and let it get strong again. you will be FINE if you rest!! there is plenty of time. better to rest now for a week than to push thru, make things worse and then not be able to run closer to the marathon, or worse, not be able to run the marathon.
What can you do, exlcuding running? can you swim? bike? elliptical? walk? do the other things. This rest period will not break your marathon but pushing thru that injury will.
Seriously, don't worry. Give it a week, stay active but DON'T run. give yourself a rest, you will come back even stronger!!!
do you trust me? I have faith in you, don't worry. everything will be fine. just rest!!
sending healing thoughts your way!

Q said...

Injuries suck and are so unfair! Having to rest is so dreadful, but will be worth it I'm sure.

misszippy said...

It totally stinks, but hopefully a few days of rest now will prevent weeks of rest later. Keep it up and keep icing!

RunningRonald said...

zeker weten dat injuries suck!! en ja, ik weet dat rust houden een drama is.. dus wat mij betreft, trek je hardloopgear aan ook al loop je er niet in, het geeft je wel een goed gevoel. Maar above all: stay positive! Het komt echt echt goed! de NYCM ga jij lopen..als jij niet gaat kan Haile ook net zo goed thuisblijven :)

Silly Girl Running said...

@ Bethany: I know you're right. I need to stay away from running for a couple of days. I know. :( My PT told me it was okay to cross train and go out for short very slow jogs on new (not used) shoes. Plan on going for a swim / slow jog tonight. If the knee feels okay, that is.

Silly Girl Running said...

@ Forward Foor Strides: I know...I'll just have to focus on my long time plans. :)

@ MissZippy: Thanks for your advice! You're so kind! :)

Silly Girl Running said...

@ RunningRonald: Hahahaha! :) Van de fysio mag ik proberen om vanavond op heel laag tempo een klein rondje te joggen op nieuwe schoenen (omdat probleem waarschijnlijk ontstaan is door lopen op oude schoenen...slechte demping...). Als ik het aandurf doe ik dat, anders ga ik zwemmen (en ik heb een bloedhekel aan zwemmen!).

RunningRonald said...

Demping kan idd een oorzaak zijn van je knieprobleem. Als je blijft twijfelen over je schoenen: Bel ff met Herman van LaFoot.nl in Hilversum, hij is mijn hardloopschoenen guru! en zwemmen.. dat doen we niet.. ja, bubbelbad!