Thank you for all your sweet comments on this post: here. Both on the blog and through Facebook. Sure helped a lot in making me worry less. One of you suggested mentioning it casually to the people at Race bib pick-up. In a 'so excited, but some people are weird' kind of way. Sounds like an okay idea.
As for The Race - the one I've been talking about for months, but never dared mention. The race I hope on running, the planned race, is the TDS race at the Ultra Trail du Mont-Blanc in the French Alps. It scares the sh*t out of me. Why? Check out the website: here.
Yep, that's some serious elevation gain. And 114K is a long way to go. 31 1/2 hours - how the heck am I going to stay awake and focussed?
50% doesn't make it to the finish line, so I'm being realistic here. I know there's a 50% chance I'll have to drop out. I'll just focus on how I feel and on trying to make the cut-off times at the checkpoints. I'll try my best. That's all I can do, honestly. And yes, of course I'm doubting everything now: my training, my gear, my taper, etcetera. On top of that, I've been really busy with starting up my own law firm in the last couple of months (in case you've missed it: I'm self employed now. Gulp...). And that's more exhausting than you'd think.
So, as in 'better safe than sorry', if you guys (and kick-ass girls) could send me some positive and strong vibes this Thursday and Friday, please do. I'll cherish everyone of those vibes. Plus, I'll need them. Boy will I need them.